Actors – Letter M

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Actor Movie(s)
MacConnell, Mollie Nurse Marjorie (1920)
MacDermott, Marc A Christmas Carol (1910)
MacDonald, Donald Lorna Doone (1922)
MacDonald, Wallace Mabel’s Married Life (1914)
Rounders, The (1914)
MacDowell, Melbourne Nomads of the North (1920)
Outside the law (1920)
Mace, Fred Bangville Police (1913)
Dash Through The Clouds (1912)
Hot Finish [Mabel at the Wheel] (1914)
Mace, Wynn Sky High (1922)
Mack, Bobby Evangeline (1929)
Mack, Emmett Woman of the World, A (1925)
Mack, Hughie How Fatty Made Good (1913)
Mack, Marion General, The (1926)
Mackaye, Marshall Young Romance (1915)
Mackley, Arthur Alkali Ike’s Auto (1911)
MacLaren, Mary Three Musketeers (1921)
MacLean, Jack Mrs Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch (1919)
Stop Kidding (1928)
MacLean, Lorraine
MacLearn, James Richard III (1911)
MacLeod, Elsie Adventures of the Wrong Santa Claus, The (1914)
MacMillan, Violet His Majesty the Scarecrow of Oz (1914)
Patchwork Girl of Oz, The (1914)
MacPherson, Jeanie Carmen (1915)
Corner in Wheat (1909)
Curtain Pole, The (1909)
Enoch Arden (1911)
Father Gets into the Game (1908)
Last Drop of Water, The (1911)
Money Mad (1908)
Those Awful Hats (1909)
MacQuarrie, Albert Don Q, Son of Zorro (1925)
Gaucho, The (1928)
MacQuarrie, Murdock Modern Times (1936)
Madd, Pierrette Three Musketeers (1921)
Madsen, Harald Adel aus der Manege [Takt, tone og tosser] (1925)
Alte Muehle, Die [Ole Opfinders offer] (1924)
Cocktails [Rauschgift] (1928)
Ehrgeizige Sportfreunde [Dødsbokseren] (1926)
Ein segensreicher Schwindel [Grønkøbings glade gavtyve] (1925)
Entschwundene Testament, Das [Lykkehjulet] (1927)
Erwachende Herzen [Professor Petersens plejebørn] (1924)
Geborene Filmstars [Filmens helte] (1928)
Geheimnisvoller Goldschatz [Raske Riviera rejsende] (1924)
Gestoertes Familienglueck [Sol, sommer og studiner] (1921)
Ich, der Polizeipraesident [Polis Paulus’ påskasmäll] (1925)
Kaltbluetige Kunstschuetze, Der [Hr. Tell og søn] (1930)
Kleine im Leierkasten, Der [Mellem muntre musikanter] (1922)
Kleine Taenzerin, Die [Lille Lise let-paa-taa] (1924)
Kraft durch Schoenheit [Kraft og skønhed] (1928)
Oskar der Schuerzenjaeger [Film, flirt og forlovelse] (1921)
Raffinierte Meisterdetektive [Kys, klap og kommers] (1929)
Rauchloses Pulver [Krudt med knald] (1931)
Ritter im Schnee [Vore venners vinter] (1923)
Ritter ohne Furcht und Adel (1926)
Rocket Bus, The [Fliegende Teppich, Der] (1929)
Satans Paradies [Tordenstenene] (1927)
Stramme Reservisten [I kantonnement] (1932)
Traumschiff in die Suedsee [Hallo, Afrika forude] (1929)
Tugend Sieg, Der [Daarskab, dyd og driverter] (1923)
Um Herz und Krone [Kongen af Pelikanien] (1928)
Unfreundliche Nachbar, Der [Højt paa en kvist] (1929)
Unruhiges Theaterblut [Han, hun og Hamlet (1922)
Versprochene Braeute [Pas paa pigerne] (1930)
Wirbel am Nordseestrand [Vester Vov-Vov] (1927)
Wolfsjaeger, Die [Ulvejægerne] (1926)
Zwei schoene Fuerstenkinder [I de gode, gamle dage] (1940)
Madsen, Lars Once Upon A Time [Der Van Engang] (1922)
Mae, Edna Male and Female (1919)
Why Change Your Wife (1920)
Mae, Willie Sunnyside (1919)
Magarill, Sofya New Babylon, The (1929)
Magnier, Pierre Cyrano de Bergerac (1923)
Maisuryan, O. Namus (1926)
Maitland, Ruth Farmer’s Wife (1928)
Maksimova, Yelena Earth [Zemlya] (1930)
Malatesta, Fred Long Fliv The King (1926)
Modern Times (1936)
Malavier, Léon Terre, La (1921)
Malone, Molly Garage, The (1920)
Hayseed, The (1919)
His Angel Child (1929)
Stork Mad (1926)
Mamelok, Emil Deerslayer, The (1920)
Mamin, M. Strike (1924)
Mamy, Jean Entr’acte (1924)
Mandy, Jerry 45 Minutes From Hollywood (1926)
Crazy Like A Fox (1926)
With Love and Hisses (1927)
Manes, Gina Napoleon (1927)
Mann, Alice Coney Island (1917)
His Wedding Night (1917)
Oh, Doctor! (1917)
Mann, Hank A Bird’s a bird (1915)
Bangville Police (1913)
City Lights (1931)
J-U-N-K (1919)
Knockout, The (1914)
Mabel’s Married Life (1914)
Modern Times (1936)
Spite Marriage (1929)
Mann, Harry Seven Years Bad Luck (1921)
Mannheim, Lucie Treasure, The (1923)
Manning, Aileen Uncle Tom’s Cabin (1927)
Manon, Marcia Stella Maris (1918)
Mansfield, Martha Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde (1920)
Manship, George Richard III (1911)
Manucharyan, Nina Namus (1926)
Marangoni,, Gina Cabiria (1914)
Marcel, Inez Cinderella (1914)
Marchal, Arlette Hula (1927)
Marcus, James A. Eagle, The (1925)
Evangeline (1929)
Iron Horse, The (1924)
Oliver Twist (1922)
Regeneration (1915)
Sadie Thompson (1928)
Marde, Diana Virgen de la caridad, La (1930)
Maretskaïa, Vera House on Trubnaya, The (1928)
Mareuil, Simone Un Chien Andalou (1929)
Marie-Laurent, Jeanne Faces of Children (1925)
Marion, Baby Toll of the Sea (1922)
Marion, Edna From Soup to Nuts (1928)
Should Married Men Go Home (1928)
Sugar Daddies (1927)
Marion, George Evangeline (1929)
Marion, George F. Tumbleweeds (1925)
Markstein, Edna Joyless Street (1925)
Marlo, George Return of Draw Egan, The (1915)
Marques, Luís A Filha do advogado (1926)
Aitaré da praia (1926)
Marriott, Moore Flying Scotsman, The (1929)
Marsh, Joan Daddy Long Legs (1918)
Marsh, Mae Avenging Conscience, The (1914)
Battle at Elderbush Gulch, The (1913)
Birth of a Nation (1915)
Intolerance (1916)
Lesser Evil, The (1912)
New York Hat, The (1912)
One Is Business, the Other Crime (1912)
Marsh, Marguerite Mender of Nets, The (1912)
Marshall, Tully Cat and the canary, The (1927)
Hunchback of Notre-Dame, The (1923)
Intolerance (1916)
Joan the woman (1916)
Marshall, Virginia Toy Shop, The (1928)
Marstini, Rosita Blood and Sand (1922)
Martenson, Mona Saga of Gosta Berling, The (1924)
Martial, Faux magistrat, Le (1914)
Martin, Chris-Pin Gaucho, The (1928)
Martin, Vivian Wishing Ring, An Idyll of Old England (1914)
Martindel, Edward Garden of Eden, The (1928)
Phantom of the opera (1925)
Martinelli, Crazy Ray, The (1925)
Martinelli, Charles Three Musketeers (1921)
Martirosyan, Amasi Namus (1926)
Maryanne, Tire-au-flanc (1928)
Masokha, Pyotr Earth [Zemlya] (1930)
Mason, Buddy College (1927)
Mason, Jim For Heaven’s Sake (1926)
Why Worry? (1923)
Mason, Mary Extra Girl, The (1923)
Mason, Shirley A Christmas Carol (1910)
Matahi, Tabu (1931)
Mathé, Edouard Atonement, The (1917)
Fantastic Dog Pack, The (1917)
Jacqueline’s Heart (1917)
Licorice Kid, The (1917)
Love’s Forgiveness (1917)
Mysterious Shadow, The (1917)
Prologue (1917)
Secret of the Tomb, The (1917)
Tragic Mill, The (1917)
Underground Passages of Château-Rouge (1917)
Vampires, Les (1915)
Water Godess, The (1917)
When The Child Appeared (1917)
Woman in Black, The (1917)
Mathews, Dorothy A Girl in Every Port (1928)
Mathis, Jack Blind Husbands (1919)
Matieson, Otto Beloved Rogue, The (1927)
Parisian Love (1925)
Matsyutsia, M. Earth [Zemlya] (1930)
Matthews, Dorcas Blood and Sand (1922)
Mattoni, André Tartuffe (1927)
Mattox, Martha Cat and the canary, The (1927)
Matvei, G. General Line, The (1929)
Maun, Matilde Virgen de la caridad, La (1930)
Mauro, Bruno Thesouro Perdido (1927)
Mauro, Haroldo Braza dormida (1928)
Mauro, Humberto Sangue mineiro (1929)
Thesouro Perdido (1927)
Maurus, Gerda Spies (1928)
Woman in the Moon (1929)
Maxam, Louella A Movie Star (1916)
His Bitter Pill (1916)
Maximilian, Max Student of Prague, The (1926)
Woman in the Moon (1929)
Maxon, Eric Richard III (1911)
Maxwell Conover, Theresa Light in the Dark (1922)
May, Anna Peter Pan (1924)
Thief of Bagdad, The (1924)
Toll of the Sea (1922)
Why Girls Love Sailors (1927)
May, Jessie Patchwork Girl of Oz, The (1914)
May, Mia Indian Tomb, The (1921)
Mayne, Eric Dr. Jack (1922)
Extra Girl, The (1923)
Mayo, Christine Raffles, the Amateur Cracksman (1917)
Shock, The (1923)
McAllister, Paul Evangeline (1929)
McAvoy, May Ben Hur (1925)
Mrs Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch (1919)
McBan, Mickey Hot Water (1924)
Peter Pan (1924)
McCall, William His Marriage Wow (1925)
McCann, John Regeneration (1915)
McCarthy, Eve Copper Beeches, The (1921)
McCarty, M.J. A Dog’s Life (1921)
McCay, Winsor Winsor McCay, the Famous Cartoonist of the N.Y. Herald and His Moving Comics (1911)
McClune, Mr. Light in the Dark (1922)
McClure, Victor Richard III (1911)
McConn, Dorothy Orphans of the storm (1925)
McCord, Mrs. Lewis Young Romance (1915)
McCormac, Muriel Sparrows (1926)
McCormack, William Something New (1920)
McCormick, Merrill Robin Hood (1922)
McCoy, H. Regeneration (1915)
McCoy, Harry A Movie Star (1916)
Dirty Work in a Laundry (1918)
Garage, The (1920)
Good for Nothing [His New Profession] (1914)
Hot Finish [Mabel at the Wheel] (1914)
Mabel’s Married Life (1914)
Rival Mashers, The [Those Love Pangs] (1914)
Stick around (1925)
Tillie’s Punctured Romance (1914)
McCullough, Ralph Seven Chances (1923)
McDaniel, George A Little Princess (1917)
McDermott, Joseph Mothering Heart, The (1913)
McDermott, Marc Flesh and the Devil (1926)
Temptress, The (1926)
McDonald, Francis A Girl in Every Port (1928)
Arizona Express, The (1924)
Battling Butler (1926)
My Lady of Whims (1925)
Nomads of the North (1920)
Temptress, The (1926)
McDonald, Jack Don Q, Son of Zorro (1925)
Last of the Mohicans, The (1920)
Lorna Doone (1922)
McDonald, Marion Circus Today (1926)
McDowell, Claire Ben Hur (1925)
Female of the Species, The (1912)
Heart O’ The Hills (1919)
His Trust (1911)
House of Darkness, The (1913)
Mark of Zorro, The (1920)
Massacre, The (1912)
Show Off, The (1926)
Sunbeam, The (1912)
Swords and Hearts (1911)
Usurer, The (1910)
What Shall We Do With Our Old (1911)
Wilful Peggy (1910)
McDowell, Nelson Last of the Mohicans, The (1920)
Lost World, The (1925)
Oliver Twist (1922)
McFadden, Ivor Delicious Little Devil, The (1919)
McGlynn, Frank America (1924)
McGowan, J. P. Last Roundup,The (1929)
McGrail, Walter Where the North Begins (1923)
McGregor, Malcolm Vanishing American, The (1925)
McGuire, Kathryn Navigator, The (1924)
Sherlock Jr (1925)
McGuire, Paddy A Jitney Elopement (1915)
A night at the Show (1915)
Bank, The (1915)
By the sea (1915)
Champion, The (1915)
Shanghaied (1915)
Tramp, The (1915)
Work (1915)
McGuire, Tom City Girl (1930)
Steamboat Bill Jr (1923)
McHugh, Charles Be My Wife (1921)
McIntosh, Burr That Certain Thing (1928)
Way Down East (1920)
McKee, Lafe Evangeline (1929)
McKee, Raymond Down to the Sea in Ships (1922)
Santa Claus vs Cupid (1915)
McKenzie, Ella Stop Kidding (1928)
McKim, Robert Bat, The (1926)
Blue Blazes Rawden (1918)
Hell’s Hinges (1916)
Mark of Zorro, The (1920)
Return of Draw Egan, The (1915)
Strong Man, The (1926)
McKinnel, Norman Downhill (1927)
Hindle Wakes (1927)
McKinney, Mira Modern Times (1936)
McLaglen, Cyril Hindle Wakes (1927)
McLaglen, Victor A Girl in Every Port (1928)
McLain, Mary Sparrows (1926)
McLaughlin, Gibb Farmer’s Wife (1928)
McMurray, Lillian Idle Class, The (1921)
McPherson, Fred Get Out and Get Under (1920)
McWade, Margaret Blot, The (1921)
Lost World, The (1925)
Meakin, Charles Call of the Cuckoo (1927)
Meca, Ramón Curro Vargas (1923)
Meehan, Lew West of Hot Dog (1924)
Mehaffey, Blanche April Fool (1924)
Woman of the World, A (1925)
Meighan, Thomas Male and Female (1919)
Manslaughter (1922)
Why Change Your Wife (1920)
Meinhard, Edith Diary of a Lost Girl (1929)
Melchior, Georges Fantômas contre Fantômas (1914)
Fantômas, à l’ombre de la guillotine (1913)
Faux magistrat, Le (1914)
Lost Atlantis (1920)
Mort qui tue, Le (1913)
Méliès, Georges A Trip to the Moon (1902)
An impossible voyage (1904)
Bluebeard (1901)
Devilish Tenant, The (1909)
Four Troublesome Heads, The (1898)
Hilarious Posters, The (1905)
Living playing cards, The (1904)
Man with the Rubber Head, The (1901)
One-Man Band, The (1900)
Tchin-Chao, the Chinese Conjurer (1904)
Melikov, Alekper Dvadtsat shest komissarov (1933)
Melikyan, G. Namus (1926)
Meller, Edith Wildcat, The (1921)
Mendaille, Daniel Captain Fracasse (1928)
Mendel, Jules Should Sailors Marry (1925)
Wandering Papas [Enough to Do] (1927)
Menichelli, Pina Cabiria (1914)
Menjou, Adolphe A Woman of Paris (1923)
Marriage Circle, The (1924)
Open All Night (1924)
Sheik, The (1921)
Through the Back Door (1921)
Meredith, Lois Headless Horseman, The (1922)
Mérelle, Claude Three Musketeers (1921)
Merlatti, O. Arsenal (1928)
Mersereau, Violet His Trust (1911)
Mesnery, Faux magistrat, Le (1914)
Messinger, Buddy Aladdin and The Wonderful Lamp (1917)
Messinger, Gertrude Aladdin and The Wonderful Lamp (1917)
Methling, Svend Once Upon A Time [Der Van Engang] (1922)
Metzger, Joseph Olympic Games (1927)
Meyer, Johannes Master of the House, The [Du skal ære din hustru] (1925)
Meyer, Torben Man Who Laughs, The (1928)
Once Upon A Time [Der Van Engang] (1922)
Michel, Gaston Vampires, Les (1915)
Midgley, Fanny Italian, The (1915)
Midgley, Florence Sadie Thompson (1928)
Mihalesco, Alexandre Passion of Joan of Arc (1928)
Mikhajlov, Nikolai Earth [Zemlya] (1930)
Mikhajlov, Vladimir Earth [Zemlya] (1930)
Girl with the Hatbox, The (1927)
Mikhajlovsky, M. Arsenal (1928)
Milar, Adolph Uncle Tom’s Cabin (1927)
Wandering Papas [Enough to Do] (1927)
Milash, Robert Mrs Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch (1919)
Miles, David Cord of Life, The (1909)
Lonely Villa, The (1909)
Violon Maker of Cremona, The (1909)
Miles, Mary Nurse Marjorie (1920)
Milford, Bliss Adventures of the Wrong Santa Claus, The (1914)
Milhaud, Darius Entr’acte (1924)
Milla, Augusto Inferno, L’ (1911)
Milland, Ray Flying Scotsman, The (1929)
Miller Jr., Jack Show, The (1922)
Miller, Carl A Woman of Paris (1923)
Kid, The (1921)
Miller, Hugh Love of Sunya, The (1927)
Miller, Janet Adventurer, The (1917)
Cure, The (1917)
Easy Street (1917)
Immigrant, The (1917)
Miller, Mary Louise Sparrows (1926)
Miller, Patsy Ruth Camille (1921)
Hunchback of Notre-Dame, The (1923)
Sheik, The (1921)
Miller, Rube He Did and He Didn’t (1916)
Miller, Ruth Affairs Of Anatol, The (1921)
Hunchback of Notre-Dame, The (1923)
Sheik, The (1921)
Miller, W. Christy Battle at Elderbush Gulch, The (1913)
Corner in Wheat (1909)
In the Border States (1910)
Last Drop of Water, The (1911)
Lonedale Operator, The (1911)
Massacre, The (1912)
Red Man’s View, The (1909)
Those Awful Hats (1909)
What Shall We Do With Our Old (1911)
Miller, Walter Death’s Marathon (1913)
Mothering Heart, The (1913)
Musketeers of Pig Alley, The (1912)
Unseen Enemy, The (1912)
Mills, Alyce Parisian Love (1925)
Mills, Hazel Last Roundup,The (1929)
Milo, Terre, La (1921)
Miltern, John Love of Sunya, The (1927)
Manslaughter (1922)
Milyutina, Yeva Girl with the Hatbox, The (1927)
Mine, Charlotte 45 Minutes From Hollywood (1926)
A night at the Show (1915)
Behind the screen (1916)
Count, The (1916)
Easy Street (1917)
Extra Girl, The (1923)
Floorwalker, The (1916)
His new Job (1915)
Love ‘Em and Weep (1927)
Rink, The (1916)
Sparrows (1926)
Sugar Daddies (1927)
Vagabond, The (1915)
Mineau, Charlotte A night at the Show (1915)
Behind the screen (1916)
Count, The (1916)
Easy Street (1917)
Extra Girl, The (1923)
Floorwalker, The (1916)
His new Job (1915)
Love ‘Em and Weep (1927)
Rink, The (1916)
Sparrows (1926)
Sugar Daddies (1927)
Vagabond, The (1915)
Mir, David Matinee Idol (1928)
Miró Quesada, Angélica Yo perdí mi corazón en Lima (1933)
Mitchell, Belle Hustling for Health (1926)
Mitsui, Hideo A Story of Floating Weeds [Ukigusa Monogatari] (1934)
Mitsuyama, Asako Chuji Tabi Nikki (Chuji’s Travel Diary) (1927)
Mix, Tom Just Tony (1922)
Sky High (1922)
Mizukawa, Yaeko Danshichi Chigireguno (Danshichi the Wanderer) (1938)
Mkrtchyan, Samvel Namus (1926)
Moglie, Linda Cyrano de Bergerac (1923)
Mohan, Earl Big Moments from Little Pictures (1924)
Mother’s Joy (1924)
Near Dublin (1924)
Zeb vs. Paprika (1924)
Moissi, Alexander Student of Prague, The (1913)
Molander, Helga Different from the Others (1919)
Moler, Charles Taming of the Shrew, The (1908)
Molnar Jr., Julius Man Who Laughs, The (1928)
Mong, William V. Crazy Like A Fox (1926)
Delicious Little Devil, The (1919)
Strong Man, The (1926)
Monkman, Phyllis
Montana, Bull Hard Luck (1921)
Lost World, The (1925)
On the Front Page (1919)
Son of the Sheik (1926)
Victory (1919)
Montenegro, José Curro Vargas (1923)
Montenegro, Manuel Curro Vargas (1923)
Montesinos, Leonidas Cruz de um Angel, La (1929)
Montgomery, Earl Air Pockets (1927)
Montgomery, Nadyne Suds (1920)
Montgomery, Peggy Helen’s Babies (1924)
Saturday Afternoon (1926)
Montiel, Gabriel Tepeyac (1917)
Moon, Arthur Musical Marvel, The (1917)
Mooney, Rosalind Seven Chances (1923)
Moore, Colleen A Roman Scandal (1919)
Moore, Frank His Majesty the Scarecrow of Oz (1914)
Patchwork Girl of Oz, The (1914)
Moore, Jim By Indian Post (1919)
Moore, Matt 20,000 leagues under the sea (1916)
Moore, Mickey Manslaughter (1922)
Moore, Owen A Strange Meeting (1909)
Cinderella (1914)
Corner in Wheat (1909)
In the Border States (1910)
Lesser Evil, The (1912)
Red Man’s View, The (1909)
Those Awful Hats (1909)
Violon Maker of Cremona, The (1909)
What the Daisy said (1910)
Moore, Victor Wrong Mr. Fox, The (1917)
Moran, Lee My Lady of Whims (1925)
Moran, Lois Stella Dallas (1925)
Moran, Polly Affairs Of Anatol, The (1921)
Moran, Priscilla Toll of the Sea (1922)
Morante, Milburn Detectress, The (1919)
Her First Flame (1920)
Morat, Luitz Mort qui tue, Le (1913)
Morena, Erna Indian Tomb, The (1921)
Moreno, Antonio It (1927)
Musketeers of Pig Alley, The (1912)
Temptress, The (1926)
Moreno, Marguerite Captain Fracasse (1928)
Morera, Eduardo Borrachera del tango, La (1928)
Moret, Henriette Fille de l’Eau, La (1924)
Morey, Harry T. A Cure for Pokeritis (1912)
Morgan, Frank Raffles, the Amateur Cracksman (1917)
Morgan, Gene Battle of the Century (1927)
Battle of the Century, The (extract) (1927)
Fourth Alarm!, The (1926)
From Soup to Nuts (1928)
Morgan, Jackie I Do (1921)
Morgan, Kewpie Back to God’s Country (1919)
Circus Today (1926)
Sherlock Jr (1925)
Three Ages (1928)
Wandering Willies (1926)
Morgan, Paul Spiders, The (1919)
Morgan, Phalba A Girl in Every Port (1928)
Roman Candles (1920)
Mori, Shizuko Orochi (Serpent) (1925)
Moriss, Frederik Vampires, Les (1915)
Morlas, Laurent Fantômas contre Fantômas (1914)
Faux magistrat, Le (1914)
Morléas, Laurent Vampires, Les (1915)
Morris, Dave Crazy To Act (1927)
Morrison Sr., Ernest
Morrison, Ernie Derby Day (1923)
Dogs of War! (1923)
Morrison, James A Cure for Pokeritis (1912)
Morrison, Pete By Indian Post (1919)
Morrissey, Betty A Woman of Paris (1923)
Circus (1928)
Morrissey, Grace Santa Claus vs Cupid (1915)
Morton, Walter Wishing Ring, An Idyll of Old England (1914)
Mosheim, Grete Michael [Mikaël] (1924)
Mosjoukine, Ivan Queen of Spades, The (1916)
Moskvin, Ivan Ranks and People (1929)
Mosquini, Marie Big Moments from Little Pictures (1924)
Captain Kidd’s Kids (1919)
Hustling for Health (1926)
It’s a Gift (1923)
Seventh Heaven (1927)
Moss, George Richard III (1912)
Mower, Jack Manslaughter (1922)
Shock, The (1923)
Uncle Tom’s Cabin (1927)
Mozzato, Umberto Cabiria (1914)
Mozzhukhin, Ivan Father Sergius (1917)
Mueller, Hans Carl Die Nibelungen (1924)
Mullen, Gordon Nomads of the North (1920)
Muñoz, Francisco Virgen de la caridad, La (1930)
Murphy, Charles B. Back to God’s Country (1919)
Murphy, Edna Tarzan and the Golden Lion (1927)
Murphy, Jack Peter Pan (1924)
Tumbleweeds (1925)
Murphy, Joe Cat and the canary, The (1927)
Murphy, Martin 20,000 leagues under the sea (1916)
Murphy, Maurice Peter Pan (1924)
Murphy, Steve Battle of the Century (1927)
Battle of the Century, The (extract) (1927)
Circus (1928)
Cops (1922)
Murray, Charles Mabel’s Married Life (1914)
Mothering Heart, The (1913)
Tillie’s Punctured Romance (1914)
Wizard of Oz, The (1925)
Murray, Mae Delicious Little Devil, The (1919)
Murray, Marie Great Train Robbery, The (1903)
Murray, Tom Gold Rush, The (1925)
Pilgrim, The (1923)
Tramp, Tramp, Tramp (1926)
Murski, Alexander Michael [Mikaël] (1924)
Musidora, Atonement, The (1917)
Fantastic Dog Pack, The (1917)
Jacqueline’s Heart (1917)
Licorice Kid, The (1917)
Love’s Forgiveness (1917)
Mysterious Shadow, The (1917)
Prologue (1917)
Secret of the Tomb, The (1917)
Tragic Mill, The (1917)
Underground Passages of Château-Rouge (1917)
Vampires, Les (1915)
Water Godess, The (1917)
When The Child Appeared (1917)
Woman in Black, The (1917)
Mussett, Charles Light in the Dark (1922)
Müthel, Lothar Destiny [Müde Tod, Der] (1921)
Faust (1926)
Mutt and Jeff, Dog Gone
Myers, Carmel Ben Hur (1925)
Myers, Harry City Lights (1931)
Marriage Circle, The (1924)
Myers, Kathleen Go West (1925)
Myers, Otto By Indian Post (1919)

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