Actors – Letter K

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Actor Movie(s)
Kaliz, Armand Temptress, The (1926)
Kane, Gail White Sister, The (1923)
Kapler, Andrei Cloak, The [Shinel] (1926)
Karloff, Boris Bells, The (1926)
Last of the Mohicans, The (1920)
Tarzan and the Golden Lion (1927)
Karno Jr., Fred Postage Due (1924)
Zeb vs. Paprika (1924)
Karno, Fred Smithy [The Home Wrecker] (1924)
Karr, Darwin Suds (1920)
Kasa, M. Diary of a Lost Girl (1929)
Kataoka, Ichinojo
Katsuragi, Koichi Kutsukake Tokijiro (1929)
Kaufman, Al Battling Kangaroo (1928)
Kayser, Charles Blacksmithing Scene (1893)
Keane, James Richard III (1912)
Keaton, Buster Backstage (1919)
Balloonatic, The (1923)
Battling Butler (1926)
Bell Boy, The (1918)
Blacksmith, The (1922)
Boat, The (1921)
Butcher Boy, The (1917)
Cameraman, The (1928)
College (1927)
Coney Island (1917)
Convict 13 (1920)
Cook, The (1918)
Cops (1922)
Day Dream (1922)
Electric House, The (1922)
Frozen North, The (1921)
Garage, The (1920)
General, The (1926)
Go West (1925)
Goat, The (1921)
Good Night, Nurse ! (1918)
Hard Luck (1921)
Haunted House, The (1922)
Hayseed, The (1919)
High Sign, The (1921)
His Wedding Night (1917)
Iron Mule, The (1925)
Love Nest, The (1923)
Moonshine (1918)
My wife’s relations (1922)
Navigator, The (1924)
Neighbors (1920)
Oh, Doctor! (1917)
One Week (1921)
Our Hospitality (1923)
Out West (1918)
Paleface, The (1921)
Playhouse, The (1921)
Rough House, The (1917)
Saphead, The (1924)
Scarecrow, The (1920)
Seven Chances (1923)
Sherlock Jr (1925)
Spite Marriage (1929)
Steamboat Bill Jr (1923)
Three Ages (1928)
Keaton, Joe Bell Boy, The (1918)
Convict 13 (1920)
Day Dream (1922)
Electric House, The (1922)
General, The (1926)
Good Night, Nurse ! (1918)
Neighbors (1920)
Our Hospitality (1923)
Out West (1918)
Scarecrow, The (1920)
Sherlock Jr (1925)
Steamboat Bill Jr (1923)
Keaton, Louis Electric House, The (1922)
Keaton, Louise Convict 13 (1920)
Keaton, Myra Electric House, The (1922)
Keefe, Cornelius Brothers (1929)
Keen, Malcolm Lodger, The (1929)
Manxman, The (1929)
Keenan, Frank Lorna Doone (1922)
Keener, Hazel Freshman, The (1925)
Parisian Love (1925)
Keith, Donald My Lady of Whims (1925)
Parisian Love (1925)
Plastic Age, The (1925)
Keith, Ian Love of Sunya, The (1927)
Kellar, Gertrude Young Romance (1915)
Kelley, James T. A night at the Show (1915)
Adventurer, The (1917)
Among Those Present (1921)
An Eastern Westerner (1920)
Behind the screen (1916)
Count, The (1916)
Cure, The (1917)
Dirty Work in a Laundry (1918)
Easy Street (1917)
Fireman, The (1916)
Floorwalker, The (1916)
Immigrant, The (1917)
Pawnshop, The (1916)
Police (1915)
Rink, The (1916)
Triple Trouble (1918)
Vagabond, The (1915)
Kelly, Bob A Day’s Pleasure (1919)
Raffles, the Amateur Cracksman (1917)
Kelly, Fanny All Night Long (1924)
Kelly, Gregory Show Off, The (1926)
Kelsey, Fred Bromo and Juliet (1926)
Wrong again (1929)
Kelso, Mayme Male and Female (1919)
Why Change Your Wife (1920)
Kemp, Matty Campus Vamp (1928)
Kendrick, Ruby Blind Husbands (1919)
Keng, Li Goddess, The (1934)
Kennedy, Edgar Angora Love (1929)
Angora Love (extract) (1929)
Bacon Grabbers (1929)
Bangville Police (1913)
Finishing Touch, The (1928)
Hearts and Flowers (1919)
Her Torpedoed Love (1924)
His Bitter Pill (1916)
Knockout, The (1914)
Leave ’em Laughing (1928)
Rival Mashers, The [Those Love Pangs] (1914)
Rounders, The (1914)
Should Married Men Go Home (1928)
Tillie’s Punctured Romance (1914)
Two Tars (1928)
Unaccustomed As We Are (1929)
Kennedy, Merna Circus (1928)
Kennedy, Tom His Bitter Pill (1916)
Liberty (1929)
Liberty (extract) (1929)
Kent, Arnold Hula (1927)
Kent, Barbara Flesh and the Devil (1926)
No Man’s Law (1928)
Kent, Charles Twelfth Night (1910)
Kent, Mrs. Foolish Wives (1922)
Kenyan, Hetty Richard III (1911)
Kenyon, Doris A Girl’s Folly (1917)
Great White Trail, The (1917)
Kerry, Norman Amarilly of clothes-line Alley (1919)
Hunchback of Notre-Dame, The (1923)
Merry-Go-Round (1923)
Phantom of the opera (1925)
Unknown, The (1927)
Kerry, Normann A Little Princess (1917)
Key, Kathleen Ben Hur (1925)
Khachanyan, Hambartsum Namus (1926)
Khan, Haidar Grass: A Nations Battle For Life (1925)
Khmelyov, Nikolai End Of St. Petersburg, The (1927)
Khorkov, Georgi Arsenal (1928)
Kimball Young, Clara A Midsummer Night’s Dream (1909)
Kimball, Edward Roman Candles (1920)
King, Anita Carmen (1915)
King, Charles Merry-Go-Round (1923)
King, Emmet Laugh, Clown, Laugh (1928)
King, Judy Seven Chances (1923)
King, Leslie Orphans of the storm (1925)
King, Mollie Mystery of the Double Cross – Chapter 3 : An Hour To Live (1917)
Mystery of the Double Cross – Chapter 5 : The Life Current (1917)
King, Rose Country Doctor, The (1909)
Kingston, Natalie A Girl in Every Port (1928)
All Night Long (1924)
His First Flame (1927)
His Marriage Wow (1925)
Kinsey, Ham 45 Minutes From Hollywood (1926)
Battle of the Century (1927)
Battle of the Century, The (extract) (1927)
Double Whoopee (1929)
Fourth Alarm!, The (1926)
Thundering Fleas (1926)
Two Tars (1928)
You’re Darn Tootin (1928)
You’re Darn Tootin’ (extract) (1928)
Kinz, Franziska Diary of a Lost Girl (1929)
Kirby, Madge Painted Lady, The (1912)
Kirkham, Kathleen Married Virgin, The (1918)
Kirkland, Hardee Ace of Hearts, The (1921)
Kirkland, Horace Bad Boy (1925)
Kirkwood, James A Strange Meeting (1909)
Corner in Wheat (1909)
Red Man’s View, The (1909)
Renunciation (1909)
Those Awful Hats (1909)
Way of Man, The (1909)
Kirtley, Virginia A Film Johnnie (1914)
Mabel’s Dramatic Career (1913)
Making a living (1914)
Kiss, Esther Tire-au-flanc (1928)
Klein-Rogge, Rudolf Cabinat Of Dr. Caligari, The (1919)
Destiny [Müde Tod, Der] (1921)
Dr. Mabuse, the Gambler (1922)
Metropolis (1926)
Spies (1928)
Warning Shadows [Schatten – Eine nächtliche Halluzination] (1923)
Klein, Adolf Phantom (1922)
Klitzsch, Edgar Destiny [Müde Tod, Der] (1921)
Klyukvin, Ivan Dvadtsat shest komissarov (1933)
Klyukvin, Ivan Strike (1924)
Knight, Bill Circus (1928)
Knight, Lillian Super-Hooper-Dyne Lizzies (1925)
Knoblock, Edward Idle Class, The (1921)
Knott, Lydia A Woman of Paris (1923)
Ko Vert, Frederick Wizard of Oz, The (1925)
Ko Vert, Mary Thundering Fleas (1926)
Kober, Erich Student of Prague, The (1926)
Koch, Hugo B. Joan the woman (1916)
Kohler, Fred Iron Horse, The (1924)
Köhler, Marga Wildcat, The (1921)
Kohlhase, Max Joyless Street (1925)
Kohlmar, Lee Orphans of the storm (1925)
Kohn, Helen Sunnyside (1919)
Kolker, Henry How Molly Made Good (1915)
Komarov, Sergei Chess Fever (1925)
End Of St. Petersburg, The (1927)
House on Trubnaya, The (1928)
Kong, Ah Tabu (1931)
Kono, Toraichi Adventurer, The (1917)
Konstam, Phyllis
Kopp, Erwin Wildcat, The (1921)
Korff, Arnold Diary of a Lost Girl (1929)
Körner, Lothar Student of Prague, The (1913)
Kornman, Mary Derby Day (1923)
Dogs of War! (1923)
Fourth Alarm!, The (1926)
Mary, Queen of Tots (1925)
Short Kilts (1924)
Kornman, Mildred Fourth Alarm!, The (1926)
Olympic Games (1927)
Spook Spoofing (1928)
Kortman, Bob Duck Soup (1927)
Shock, The (1923)
Kortner, Fritz Pandora’s Box (1929)
Warning Shadows [Schatten – Eine nächtliche Halluzination] (1923)
Kosloff, Theodore Affairs Of Anatol, The (1921)
Why Change Your Wife (1920)
Kostrichkin, Andrei Cloak, The [Shinel] (1926)
New Babylon, The (1929)
Kosugi, Isamu Tokyo March [Tokyo koshin-kyoku] (1929)
Kotsonaros, George We Faw Down (1928)
Koubitsky, Alexander Napoleon (1927)
Koval-Samborsky, Ivan Chess Fever (1925)
Girl with the Hatbox, The (1927)
Mother (1926)
Kovar, Bohumil Erotikon (1929)
Kovrigin, Vasili Dvadtsat shest komissarov (1933)
Krafft-Raschig, Joyless Street (1925)
Pandora’s Box (1929)
Kraus, Gottfried Deerslayer, The (1920)
Krauss, Werner Cabinat Of Dr. Caligari, The (1919)
Joyless Street (1925)
Othello (1922)
Student of Prague, The (1926)
Tartuffe (1927)
Treasure, The (1923)
Waxworks (1924)
Kronert, Max Gypsy Blood (1918)
Oyster Princess, The (1919)
Sumurun (1920)
Kru, Chang (1927)
Ktorov, Anatoli Chess Fever (1925)
Kuchinsky, N. Arsenal (1928)
Kühne, Friedrich Othello (1922)
Spiders, The (1919)
Kuindzhi, Vera Aelita The Queen of Mars (1924)
Kulakov, Viktor Happiness (1934)
Küpfer, Love of Jeanne Ney, The (1927)
Kupfer, Margarete Eyes of the Mummy (1918)
I Don’t Want To Be A Man (1918)
Sumurun (1920)
Woman in the Moon (1929)
Kurz, Emilie Last Laugh, The [Der Letzte Mann] (1924)
Kuszar, Karl Destiny [Müde Tod, Der] (1921)
Kuzmina, Yelena Alone [Odna] (1931)
New Babylon, The (1929)
Kuznetsov, Anatoli Strike (1924)
Kwan, Moon Broken Blossoms (1918)
Kyle, H.L. Circus (1928)

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