Actors – Letter C

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Actor Movie(s)
Cabanne, Christy Battle, The (1911)
Cage, John At Land (1944)
Caillaux, Roland Tire-au-flanc (1928)
Cain, Robert Male and Female (1919)
Caine, Harry Richard III (1911)
Caithness, Wilfred Richard III (1911)
Calhern, Louis Blot, The (1921)
Too Wise Wives (1921)
Callahan, Joseph Dollars and Sense (1916)
Calhoun, Alice
(Link to Article about the actress)
Everybody's Business (1919)
Human Collateral (1920)
Deadline at Eleven (1920)
Captain Swift (1920)
The Sea Rider (1920)
The Dream (Short) (1920)
Princess Jones (1921)
The Charming Deceiver (1921)
Closed Doors (1921)
Peggy Puts It Over (1921)
Matrimonial Web (1921)
Rainbow (1921)
The Little Minister (1922)
Angel of Crooked Street (1922)
The Girl in His Room (1922)
Blue Blood (1922)
A Girl's Desire (1922)
Little Wildcat (1922)
One Stolen Night (1923)
Masters of Men (1923)
The Man Next Door (1923)
The Midnight Alarm (1923)
Pioneer Trails (1923)
The Man from Brodney's (1923)
Flowing Gold (1924)
Between Friends (1924)
Code of the Wilderness (1924)
Pampered Youth (1925)
The Happy Warrior (1925)
Lightnin' Strikes (Short) (1925)
The Man on the Box (1925)
The Part Time Wife (1925)
The Everlasting Whisper (1925)
The Other Woman's Story (1925)
The Power of the Weak (1926)
A Hero of the Big Snows (1926)
Kentucky Handicap (1926)
Tentacles of the North (1926)
The Trunk Mystery (1926)
Savage Passions (1926)
Flying High (1926)
In the First Degree (1927)
The Down Grade (1927)
Hidden Aces (1927)
Isle of Forgotten Women (1927)
The Flag: A Story Inspired by the Tradition of Betsy Ross (Short) (1927)
Bride of the Desert (1929)
Now I'll Tell (1934)
Cameron, Cecile Gold Rush, The (1925)
Cameron, Walter Great Train Robbery, The (1903)
Campbell, Eric Adventurer, The (1917)
Behind the screen (1916)
Count, The (1916)
Cure, The (1917)
Easy Street (1917)
Fireman, The (1916)
Floorwalker, The (1916)
Immigrant, The (1917)
Pawnshop, The (1916)
Rink, The (1916)
Vagabond, The (1915)
Campeau, Frank Just Tony (1922)
Three Bad Men (1926)
Campos, Antônio Aitaré da praia (1926)
Cândido, Antônio Alma do Brasil (1932)
Cannon, Pomeroy Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, The (1921)
Capablanca, José Raul Chess Fever (1925)
Carew, Ora Dollars and Sense (1916)
Carey, Harry A Movie Star (1916)
Battle at Elderbush Gulch, The (1913)
Burglar’s Dilemma, The (1912)
Friends (1912)
Musketeers of Pig Alley, The (1912)
Painted Lady, The (1912)
Unseen Enemy, The (1912)
Carl, Renée Fantômas contre Fantômas (1914)
Fantômas, à l’ombre de la guillotine (1913)
Mort qui tue, Le (1913)
Vampires, Les (1915)
Carlberg, Hildur Parson’s Widow, [The Prästänkan] (1920)
Carle, Richard Brothers (1929)
Habeas Corpus (1928)
Carleton, William P. Flapper, The (1920)
Carlisle, Peggy Show, The (1922)
Carlisle, Peggy Hindle Wakes (1927)
Carmen, Jewel Bat, The (1926)
Carminati, Tullio Bat, The (1926)
Carney, Augustus Alkali Ike’s Auto (1911)
Carney, Daniel America (1924)
Carney, Lucille Cinderella (1914)
Carpenter, Betty Burn ’em Up Barnes (1921)
Carpenter, Francis Aladdin and The Wonderful Lamp (1917)
Carpenter, Horace B. Carmen (1915)
Golden Chance, The (1916)
Joan the woman (1916)
Carpenter, Jean Helen’s Babies (1924)
Carpenter, Jeanne Through the Back Door (1921)
Carr, Cameron Woman He Scorned, The [Way of Lost Souls, The] (1929)
Carr, Leland Gold Rush, The (1925)
Carr, Mary Birth of a Race, The (extract) (1918)
Mrs Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch (1919)
Wizard of Oz, The (1925)
Carré, Marguerite Crainquebille (1922)
Carrington, Murray Richard III (1911)
Carter, Dick Pioneers of the West (1927)
Carton, Pauline Blood of a Poet, The (1930)
Cartwright, Peggy From Hand To Mouth (1919)
Carver, Louise Extra Girl, The (1923)
Casajuana, Maria A Girl in Every Port (1928)
Casey, Billy Santa Claus vs Cupid (1915)
Casilini, Umberto Cyrano de Bergerac (1923)
Casparius, Hans Diary of a Lost Girl (1929)
Caspersen, Karen Blind Justice (1916)
Sealed Orders (1914)
Castro, Ferreira A Filha do advogado (1926)
Catena, Cabiria (1914)
Cator, Douglas Livingston (1925)
Cavan, Allan Thundering Fleas (1926)
We Faw Down (1928)
Cavanaugh, William Down to the Sea in Ships (1922)
Cavender, Glen Cook, The (1918)
Fatty and Mabel Adrift (1916)
General, The (1926)
Her Torpedoed Love (1924)
Mabel, Fatty and the Law (1915)
Navy Blue Days (1925)
Rough House, The (1917)
Snow Hawk, The (1925)
Cecil, Edward Phantom of the opera (1925)
Cecil, Nora Alias Jimmy Valentine (1915)
Cederborg, Gucken Erotikon (1920)
Cederstrom, Ellen Saga of Gosta Berling, The (1924)
Cerf, André Tire-au-flanc (1928)
Chadwick, Cyril Iron Horse, The (1924)
Peter Pan (1924)
Challenger, Percy Blind Husbands (1919)
Chambers, Harley By Indian Post (1919)
Champagne, Pierre Catherine (1924)
Fille de l’Eau, La (1924)
Chandler, Warren Birth of a Race, The (extract) (1918)
Chaney, Lon Ace of Hearts, The (1921)
Hunchback of Notre-Dame, The (1923)
Laugh, Clown, Laugh (1928)
Light in the Dark (1922)
Nomads of the North (1920)
Oliver Twist (1922)
Outside the law (1920)
Phantom of the opera (1925)
Scarlet Car, The (1917)
Shock, The (1923)
Unknown, The (1927)
Victory (1919)
Wicked Darling, The (1919)
Chaney, Norman ‘Chubby’ Lazy Days (1929)
Chantui, Chang (1927)
Chaplin, Charles A Day’s Pleasure (1919)
A Dog’s Life (1921)
A Film Johnnie (1914)
A Jitney Elopement (1915)
A night at the Show (1915)
A Night Out (1915)
A Woman (1915)
A Woman of Paris (1923)
Adventurer, The (1917)
Bank, The (1915)
Behind the screen (1916)
Between Showers (1914)
Burlesque on "Carmen" (1915)
By the sea (1915)
Champion, The (1915)
Charlie’s recreation [Tango Tangles] (1914)
Circus (1928)
City Lights (1931)
Count, The (1916)
Cruel Cruel Love (1914)
Cure, The (1917)
Easy Street (1917)
Fireman, The (1916)
Floorwalker, The (1916)
Gold Rush, The (1925)
Good for Nothing [His New Profession] (1914)
His new Job (1915)
His Regeneration (1915)
Hot Finish [Mabel at the Wheel] (1914)
How To Make Movies (1918)
Idle Class, The (1921)
Immigrant, The (1917)
In the park (1915)
Kid Auto Races In Venice (1927)
Kid, The (1921)
Knockout, The (1914)
Making a living (1914)
Modern Times (1936)
One a.m. (1915)
Pawnshop, The (1916)
Pilgrim, The (1923)
Police (1915)
Rink, The (1916)
Rival Mashers, The [Those Love Pangs] (1914)
Rounders, The (1914)
Shanghaied (1915)
Shoulder Arms (1918)
Sunnyside (1919)
Tillie’s Punctured Romance (1914)
Tramp, The (1915)
Triple Trouble (1918)
Vagabond, The (1915)
Work (1915)
Chaplin, Sydney A Dog’s Life (1921)
Lover’s Lost Control (1916)
Pay Day (1922)
Pilgrim, The (1923)
Shoulder Arms (1918)
Chapman, Audrey Daddy Long Legs (1918)
Chapman, Charles A Midsummer Night’s Dream (1909)
Chapman, Edythe Beyond the Rocks (1922)
Golden Chance, The (1916)
Manslaughter (1922)
Ten Commandments, The (1923)
Charensol, Georges Entr’acte (1924)
Charlier, Max Terre, La (1921)
Three Musketeers (1921)
Chase, Charley All Wet (1924)
April Fool (1924)
Ask Father (1919)
Bad Boy (1925)
Bromo and Juliet (1926)
Call of the Cuckoo (1927)
Crazy Like A Fox (1926)
Dog Shy (1926)
Fluttering Hearts (1927)
Good for Nothing [His New Profession] (1914)
Her Torpedoed Love (1924)
His Wooden Wedding (1925)
Innocent Husbands (1925)
Isn’t Life Terrible ? (1925)
Knockout, The (1914)
Long Fliv The King (1926)
Mighty Like a Moose (1926)
Mum’s the Word (1926)
Rounders, The (1914)
Tell’em Nothing (1926)
Thundering Fleas (1926)
Tillie’s Punctured Romance (1914)
What Price Goofy (1925)
Chase, Colin Iron Horse, The (1924)
Chautard, Emile Seventh Heaven (1927)
Cheboueva, Elizveta Queen of Spades, The (1916)
Cheirel, Jeanne Crainquebille (1922)
Chellini, Luigi Cabiria (1914)
Chen, Yanyan Big Road, The (1934)
Cherkasov, Nikolai Happiness (1934)
Cherrill, Virginia City Lights (1931)
Cherryman, Rex Camille (1921)
Chervyakov, Yevgeni New Babylon, The (1929)
Chesebro, George Block Signal, The (1926)
Brothers (1929)
Chesney, Arthur Hindle Wakes (1927)
Lodger, The (1929)
Chester, Lila H. Cry of the Children, The (1912)
Chevalier, Anne Tabu (1931)
Childers, Hazel Cheat, The (1915)
Chirkov, Boris Alone [Odna] (1931)
Chistyakov, Aleksandr End Of St. Petersburg, The (1927)
Mother (1926)
Storm Over Asia (1929)
Chmara, Gregori Joyless Street (1925)
Chrisman, Pat Sky High (1922)
Christensen, Benjamin Blind Justice (1916)
Michael [Mikaël] (1924)
Sealed Orders (1914)
Christensen, Elisabeth Häxan: Witchcraft Through the Ages (1922)
Christian, Rita Ritual in Transfigured Time (1945)
Christians, Mady Michael [Mikaël] (1924)
Christians, Rudolph Foolish Wives (1922)
Christy, Ann Speedy (1928)
Christy, Dorothy That’s My Wife (1929)
Chukamaryev, General Line, The (1929)
Chuvelyov, Ivan End Of St. Petersburg, The (1927)
Ciodaro, Paschoal Braza dormida (1928)
Ciodaro, Pascoal Thesouro Perdido (1927)
Claire, Gertrude Blue Blazes Rawden (1918)
Crade of Courage, The (1920)
Oliver Twist (1922)
Tumbleweeds (1925)
Clarens, Juliette Atonement, The (1917)
Fantastic Dog Pack, The (1917)
Jacqueline’s Heart (1917)
Licorice Kid, The (1917)
Love’s Forgiveness (1917)
Mysterious Shadow, The (1917)
Prologue (1917)
Secret of the Tomb, The (1917)
Tragic Mill, The (1917)
Underground Passages of Château-Rouge (1917)
Water Godess, The (1917)
When The Child Appeared (1917)
Woman in Black, The (1917)
Clarges, Vernon Swords and Hearts (1911)
Wilful Peggy (1910)
Clark Ward, Carrie A night at the Show (1915)
Bank, The (1915)
Daddy Long Legs (1918)
Eagle, The (1925)
Clark, Bridgetta Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, The (1921)
Clark, Harvey Putting pants on Philip (1928)
Clark, Marguerite Mrs Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch (1919)
Snow White (1916)
Clark, May Alice in Wonderland (1903)
How It Feels to Be Run Over (1900)
Clarke, Downing America (1924)
Clarke, Wallace 20,000 leagues under the sea (1916)
Clarke, Westcott Safety Last! (1923)
Clary, Charles Joan the woman (1916)
Mighty Like a Moose (1926)
Clasis, Charlotte Fille de l’Eau, La (1924)
Clauss, Henry Saphead, The (1924)
Clayton, Arthur Be My Wife (1921)
Clayton, Gilbert Blood and Sand (1922)
Clayton, Marguerite His Regeneration (1915)
Cleaver, Ruth Orphans of the storm (1925)
Clements, Hal Confederate Ironclad, The (1912)
Clewing, Carl Sumurun (1920)
Clifford, Nat Hustling for Health (1926)
Clifton, Elmer Birth of a Nation (1915)
Clifton, Emma Between Showers (1914)
Cline, Edward F. Boat, The (1921)
Convict 13 (1920)
Cops (1922)
Day Dream (1922)
Frozen North, The (1921)
Goat, The (1921)
Haunted House, The (1922)
Knockout, The (1914)
Neighbors (1920)
Rounders, The (1914)
Scarecrow, The (1920)
Clovelly, Cecil Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde (1920)
Clugston, H.M. Navigator, The (1924)
Clyde, Andy All Night Long (1924)
Circus Today (1926)
Super-Hooper-Dyne Lizzies (1925)
Wandering Willies (1926)
Cobb, Joe 45 Minutes From Hollywood (1926)
Derby Day (1923)
Dogs of War! (1923)
Fourth Alarm!, The (1926)
Lazy Days (1929)
Mary, Queen of Tots (1925)
Official Officers (1925)
Olympic Games (1927)
Spook Spoofing (1928)
Thundering Fleas (1926)
Coburn, Dorothy Battle of the Century (1927)
Battle of the Century, The (extract) (1927)
Finishing Touch, The (1928)
From Soup to Nuts (1928)
Leave ’em Laughing (1928)
Putting pants on Philip (1928)
Sailors Beware (1927)
Second Hundred Years, The (1927)
Should Married Men Go Home (1928)
Sugar Daddies (1927)
Cody, Lew Don’t Change Your Husband (1919)
Coghlan, Frank A Woman of Paris (1923)
Cogley, Nick Bangville Police (1913)
Dollars and Sense (1916)
Cohen, Joe One Too Many (1916)
Cole, Slim A Dog’s Life (1921)
Shoulder Arms (1918)
Coleman, Frank J. Adventurer, The (1917)
Bank, The (1915)
Behind the screen (1916)
Burlesque on "Carmen" (1915)
Count, The (1916)
Cure, The (1917)
Easy Street (1917)
Fireman, The (1916)
Floorwalker, The (1916)
His new Job (1915)
Immigrant, The (1917)
Pawnshop, The (1916)
Police (1915)
Rink, The (1916)
Show, The (1922)
Vagabond, The (1915)
Collins, Kathleen Should Sailors Marry (1925)
Collins, Monte 45 Minutes From Hollywood (1926)
My wife’s relations (1922)
Our Hospitality (1923)
Three Tough Onions (1928)
Colman, Ronald Stella Dallas (1925)
White Sister, The (1923)
Colombo, Osiris Canção da primavera (1923)
Colucci, Guido Santa Claus vs Cupid (1915)
Colvin, William Back to God’s Country (1919)
Comendador, María Curro Vargas (1923)
Comont, Mathilde Thief of Bagdad, The (1924)
Compson, Betty Out West (1918)
Compson, John Those Awful Hats (1909)
Comstock, Clark Tracked (1928)
Conan, Arthur Lost World, The (1925)
Condon, Jackie 45 Minutes From Hollywood (1926)
Derby Day (1923)
Dogs of War! (1923)
Fourth Alarm!, The (1926)
Mary, Queen of Tots (1925)
Official Officers (1925)
Olympic Games (1927)
Spook Spoofing (1928)
Thundering Fleas (1926)
Cone, W.N. Cinderella (1914)
Conklin, Chester A Bird’s a bird (1915)
A Hash House Fraud (1915)
Between Showers (1914)
Charlie’s recreation [Tango Tangles] (1914)
Cruel Cruel Love (1914)
Droppington’s Family Tree (1916)
Gold Rush, The (1925)
Hot Finish [Mabel at the Wheel] (1914)
Making a living (1914)
Modern Times (1936)
Phantom of the opera (1925)
Rival Mashers, The [Those Love Pangs] (1914)
Tillie’s Punctured Romance (1914)
Wizard of Oz, The (1925)
Woman of the World, A (1925)
Conklin, Heinie Gold Rush, The (1925)
Conklin, William Joan the woman (1916)
Conley, Lige Air Pockets (1927)
Are Crooks Dishonest? (1918)
Battling Kangaroo (1928)
City Slicker, The (1918)
Fast and Furious (1926)
Conley, Lou Stella Maris (1918)
Connard, Leo Different from the Others (1919)
Connelly, Bobby Flapper, The (1920)
Connelly, Edward Mysterious Lady, The (1928)
Saphead, The (1924)
Connelly, Edward Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, The (1921)
Connelly, Erwin Seven Chances (1923)
Sherlock Jr (1925)
Son of the Sheik (1926)
Connelly, Jane Sherlock Jr (1925)
Connors, Buck Phantom Flyer, The (1928)
Conti, Albert Eagle, The (1925)
Merry-Go-Round (1923)
Slipping Wives (1926)
Contreras Torres, Miguel El leon de Sierra Morena (1927)
Coogan Sr., Jackie Backstage (1919)
Coogan, Jackie A Day’s Pleasure (1919)
Backstage (1919)
Kid, The (1921)
Oliver Twist (1922)
Coogan, John Hayseed, The (1919)
Cook, Clyde Should Sailors Marry (1925)
Wandering Papas [Enough to Do] (1927)
Cook, Warren Flapper, The (1920)
Cook, William Patchwork Girl of Oz, The (1914)
Cooke, Baldwin Two Tars (1928)
Cooke, Caroline Frances Bells, The (1926)
Cooke, Ethyle A Dog’s Love (1914)
Cooke, Ray Cameraman, The (1928)
Spite Marriage (1929)
Sugar Daddies (1927)
Cooper Cliffe, H. Raffles, the Amateur Cracksman (1917)
Cooper, Gary It (1927)
Vanishing American, The (1925)
Cooper, Jack Crazy To Act (1927)
Cooper, Merian C. Grass: A Nations Battle For Life (1925)
Cooper, Miriam Birth of a Nation (1915)
Corcuera, Alfredo Curro Vargas (1923)
Corday, Marcelle Flesh and the Devil (1926)
Cornick, R.I. Richard III (1911)
Cornwall, Anne Arizona Express, The (1924)
College (1927)
Cornwallis, Mary Phantom Flyer, The (1928)
Corrigan, Lloyd It (1927)
Corrignan, d’Arcy Tarzan and the Golden Lion (1927)
Cortes, Armand How Molly Made Good (1915)
Cortez, Anita Birth of a Race, The (extract) (1918)
Costa, Odilardo Canção da primavera (1923)
Costello, Dolores A Midsummer Night’s Dream (1909)
Costello, Helene A Midsummer Night’s Dream (1909)
Costello, Lou Battle of the Century (1927)
Battle of the Century, The (extract) (1927)
Costello, Maurice A Midsummer Night’s Dream (1909)
Cotta, Pilar Tepeyac (1917)
Couderc, Pierre His Majesty the Scarecrow of Oz (1914)
Coughlin, Kathleen Adventures of the Wrong Santa Claus, The (1914)
Coulson, Roy Don Q, Son of Zorro (1925)
Robin Hood (1922)
Courtois, Léon Captain Fracasse (1928)
Courtot, Juliette Down to the Sea in Ships (1922)
Courtot, Marguerite Down to the Sea in Ships (1922)
Courtright, William Duck Soup (1927)
My best girl (1927)
That’s My Wife (1929)
Coutinho, Queirós Aitaré da praia (1926)
Cowles, Jules Lost World, The (1925)
Seven Chances (1923)
Coxen, Edward Our Hospitality (1923)
Craig, Charles Flapper, The (1920)
Massacre, The (1912)
Trap For Santa, A (1909)
Craig, Hal Cat and the canary, The (1927)
Crampton, Howard 20,000 leagues under the sea (1916)
Crane Jr., George Peter Pan (1924)
Crane, F.B. Seven Years Bad Luck (1921)
Crane, Ward Phantom of the opera (1925)
Sherlock Jr (1925)
Crane, William H. Saphead, The (1924)
Craven, Walter Alias Jimmy Valentine (1915)
Crawford, Joan Tramp, Tramp, Tramp (1926)
Unknown, The (1927)
Crawford, Sam College (1927)
Crean, Tom South (1919)
Cresté, René Atonement, The (1917)
Fantastic Dog Pack, The (1917)
Jacqueline’s Heart (1917)
Licorice Kid, The (1917)
Love’s Forgiveness (1917)
Mysterious Shadow, The (1917)
Prologue (1917)
Secret of the Tomb, The (1917)
Tragic Mill, The (1917)
Underground Passages of Château-Rouge (1917)
Water Godess, The (1917)
When The Child Appeared (1917)
Woman in Black, The (1917)
Crimmins, Dan Garage, The (1920)
Crinley, Myrtis Phantom Flyer, The (1928)
Crisp, Donald Battle, The (1911)
Black Pirate (1926)
Broken Blossoms (1918)
Don Q, Son of Zorro (1925)
Miser’s Heart, The (1911)
Musketeers of Pig Alley, The (1912)
Swords and Hearts (1911)
What Shall We Do With Our Old (1911)
Crocker, Harry Circus (1928)
Crockett, Charles Vanishing American, The (1925)
Crommie, Lige Dollars and Sense (1916)
Crosman, Henrietta How Molly Made Good (1915)
Crossley, Syd That Certain Thing (1928)
Crowell, Josephine Birth of a Nation (1915)
Dog Shy (1926)
Hot Water (1924)
Man Who Laughs, The (1928)
Mothering Heart, The (1913)
Painted Lady, The (1912)
Stella Maris (1918)
Wrong again (1929)
Cruze, James Cry of the Children, The (1912)
Cumming, Dorothy King of Kings, The (1927)
Manslaughter (1922)
Snow White (1916)
Cummings, Irving Saphead, The (1924)
Cummings, Richard Blind Husbands (1919)
Delicious Little Devil, The (1919)
Cummings, Robert Alias Jimmy Valentine (1915)
Cumpson, John R. A Calamitous Elopment (1908)
A Strange Meeting (1909)
Cord of Life, The (1909)
Her First Biscuits (1909)
Romance of the Jewess (1908)
Cunayou, Nanook of the North (1922)
Currier, Frank Ben Hur (1925)
Cusmich, Mario Joyless Street (1925)
Custer, Bob Last Roundup,The (1929)

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